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October 12, 2007

Oh my God...

That is all I can think...

I was running a simple errand, and as I returned, I jumped out of this beat up old van, and glanced to the sky. I was stopped dead in my tracks. I had forgotten how easy it is to see so many solar systems and galaxies out here in the barren wilderness. Literally enough stars so that parts of the sky just simply looked whiter than others. No matter how many huge and distant stars Loui can show me, I am always more awe struck by the real thing, even if it is much more simple in appearance than through a telescope. God is so huge. He made such huge things. We are His objects of affection. I think it is amazing to realize that all things were once intrinsicly good. God said it is good. And thats what it was. Why else do we stop to look over the heavens, or stare into microscopes, or have aquariums and zoos, or spend our vacations at the ocean front or in the mountains? We are lucky enough to come to times, like this one, were we are simply stopped by the beauty of God's ideas. And if we are lucky, we can realize these things are from God, and be lead to humbly say.... oh my God.

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