Custom Search

November 19, 2007

One of the things that amazes me the most about technology is how easy it has become to perform almost any type of art and get it out there seriously. For example, anyone can choose to put their own tracks on Itunes and recieve any revenue they may attain. Radiohead has shown us that anyone who has the ability to get attention and a catchy musical writing ability can easily see results from the individual, not required to please some label, but done even in leasure or just for the heck of it. Also, via the ads on this blog itself, I found websites were you can write and publish a book comepletely electronically, without any need to find a publisher. Again, this is a completely individual level thing, were you only have to impress the people, not requiring someone to back it in any way, like a label or publishing house. There is also clothing design, which I'm sure most are already familiar with. These services, at there basic level, are almost always free, and the only down side is that the buyer sees a slight (or not so slight) price markup. This seems a small price to pay to wear or listen to something more exactly what you want, and is especially small for the clothing designer, author, and recording artist who has a full time job elsewhere.

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