This is a section from Pia Desideria, by Philip Jacob Spener, most of which is a actually a quote of Martin Luther.
"What did our sainted Luther seek more ardently than to induce the people to a diligent reading of the Scripture? He even had some misgivings about allowing his books to be published, lest the people be made more slothful thereby in the reading of the Scriptures. His words in Volume I of the Altenburg edition of his works read:
'I should gladly have seen all my books forgotten and destroyed, if only for the reason that I am afraid of the example I may give. For I see what benefit it has brought to the church that men have begun to collect many books and great libraries outside and alongside of the Holy Scriptures, and especially have begun to scramble together without and distinction, all sorts of “fathers,” “councils,” and “doctors.” Not only had good time been wasted and study of the Scriptures neglected, but the pure understanding of God’s Word is lost… It was out intention and hope when we began to put the Bible into German that there would be less writing and more studying and reading of the Scriptures. For all other writings should point to the Scriptures… Neither fathers nor councils nor we ourselves will do so well, even when our very best is done, as the Holy Scriptures have done- that is to say, as God himself has done. …I only ask in all kindness that the man who at this time wishes to have my books will by no means let them be a hindrance to his own study of the Scriptures, etc.'"
I go to Christian college, I get at least 8 hours of reading a week.... how much is actually the Scripture. Take a guess. This is my complaint.