God is so good, He moves in such timely ways, and we are often blessed with open eyes to see His glorious action upon the earth! All I can do is pray!
God, destroy the flesh which is constantly looking to creep back into my heart, and fill me with Your Spirit to the point of overflow!
Give me desire more greatly for Your will, and nothing else, may all that I partake in be rooted in a love and desire for you!
God, continue to move in this place, sweep down and fill this place with Your Spirit, unify Your Bride, raise up leaders from all churches to seek this end and to call others to it as well. Bring all Christians together to glorify You and seek Your praise together as one! Fill us so greatly with your Spirit that we can do no other thing than fill this place with Your name! Move in this city, break down the hearts of men, and give your servants a heart of evanglism, as missionaries seeking out the darkest places. Send us into the brothels and ghettos, out of the church doors and into the places of the destitute and the broken! Change hearts!
Who is like YHWH!?!?!?!