The truth is that Christianity stands in stark opposition to the American mindset. This people has adjusted the depths of Christian perspective over a couple centuries to create a gospel which is only half of its original. We have lost so much of Christ's perspective, and we often accept and preach the opposite!
A good example of this is submission. The only time when submission is spoken of in America is when feminists are talking about how no women should ever have to partake in it. Even in conservative churches the best they can scrounge up is that a wife should submit and a husband love and serve. But what about Christ? I believe I have already spoken on this blog of Christ's submissive nature. From the moment he decided to take on human form he lived in constant submission, and it was through this constant deciding to submit that he experienced all suffering. In the same way, we must submit as an act of reverence to Him and so that we may partake in His suffering. The Bible pretty much requires it for proper living. But we don't really grasp that for the most part.
All this to say, in a short format, that we need to take a look at the Bible apart from any and all tradition. Traditions aren't bad, if they are directed by Scripture. If they are, then that need to be consciously acknowledged for any purpose to be found.
I guess I come to this point through the boot camp, learning so much about what the Bible calles us to in lifestyle. This isn't an area which seems to be addressed very often. We usually talk about what type of person we should be, and even what we shouldn't do, but not about the habitual lifstyle actions we should be forming. More on this later.
God is growing me in a direction that I have never heard of in a church! The only Christian lifestyle it seems similar to is that of the seasoned, passionate, Christ-centered missionary. Christianity in America is not usually lived out as the Bible instigates. Hallelujah for being taught to live more fully human before God!