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February 27, 2009

A synopsis of general life.

God is moving greatly at this time. All the ones I trust the mostly greatly when understanding Him are feeling it. I don't know if I have mentioned much of what has been going on with myself as of late, but I very much doubt I have when I see just how much time I have allowed to loom up between myself and my last posts.

Over that past months, God has been solidifying new works with a snowballing effect. Around the time I moved back, He was doing big things. While I was away, those whom I was spiritually close to at home, most of whom were single ladies, joins officially with a local body of believers, partaking in a communally supportive network and fellowshipping closely with those others involved. I have since also come into this group, and I am amazed to see God more clearly speaking in lives in this group than I had ever seen with more than just individuals.

So as I returned, this body was made up of its parts from before, mostly relatively younger couples at this point, and of these newer others to whom I was previously close. But surrounding the time I returned, God began to bring other single guys into commitment here.

So now there are more guys around, and I am seeing just how great the spiritual insight and leadership is in these women I know. And so as I have come together with these other men, I believe I can speak for them, or at least for the sum whole of combined minds, that our passion is to see these men living in community and growing together in similar fashion to these girls, hopefully becoming more so of leaders than they themselves are.

We are looking to become more solidified and purposeful in our pursuit of Christ and our strengthening of one another. My vision is to see young men stepping up and becoming fully committed to God, allowing to have total and complete control of all aspects of their lives. Men who are seeking and actively making choices that are furthering their personal character growth, and men who are investing in the lives of others and ministering where the Lord places them. This is the greatest part of what God is doing in my life right now.

That being said, we all need to become closer in a literal sense, since at this time we all live in scattered places. So the ideal future looks something like this. Most of us moving in to a house together, with the purpose of creating a central location for male fellowship within this group.

God has greatly blessed this body with an immense number of artistically inclined members, and with so many of this sort, it is a wonder that no more has been done already along the lines of creative worship. This new house would also ideally be designed to house a location for creative expression and worship for all body members.

Perhaps even others as well!

As of late, I have been very devoted to reading The Chronicles of Narnia. While J.R.R.Tolkien, of Lord of the Rings and Hobbit fame, was not a great fan of his dear friend Lewis' authorship in this material, I cannot help but be amazed and inspired in spiritually epic realms. I'm reading them at almost a book a day. This is unheard of for my character, but none know that without being told so by myself.

Lewis is inspiring. He knows just how to capture a thought in perfect word imagery. He is able to explain magical experiences of which no one has ever partaken with such natural and familial language, often utilizing a normal activity to explain similar feelings in supernatural events. While everything is continually magical, it always seems completely real and physical, which is hard enough to explain with images, let alone with the choicest words. He succeeds and excels.

As a lover of nature, I am also easily seduced by his elegant explanations of such natural beauty as one can only imagine in this world. The lands and nature he explains almost constantly are almost as unrealistic to this existence as the magic that exudes within Narnian living.

But the far greatest element of C.S. Lewis work here is seen in the spiritual imagery seen within everything Aslan touches. Although his interaction is at some points non-existent for great lengths, it is always felt that all which takes place is by his hand or allowance, and all ultimately ends in his will and by his working. I do not think it is irregular for a theologian to be somewhat confused by Lewis' personal theology, but when it is played out in a narrative such as this, it is just as the old phrase, "a picture says a thousand words." Endless volumes of theological rhetoric could never sum up Lewis work in even some single chapters of Narnian happenings.

Aslan's relationship to the children and those whom are willingly in his service is some of the nearest inspiration to the Bible my heart has known, in its own category alongside the rhetoric of Tozer and the logic of Schaeffer. His character is almost surprising every time it acts, for it is so similar to Christ that it is hard for the human mind to know what to expect. I literally consider myself blessed to even be able to recognize that this is a very exact image of Christ. Many a most religious and well read person would overlook the striking similarity.

I would say it is by no means a stretch to say that The Chronicles of Narnia show a very true physical representation of how God would (in a few does cases does) work in the spiritual life of those willing to devote themselves in wholeness to Himself and His pursuits.

God is moving in my life through these books!