May 4, 2010
April 28, 2010
April 23, 2010
February 24, 2010
So now that I'm married and my whole life has taken such a drastic turn, I started a family blog at wordpress. (Don't tell blogger, I didn't think it could handle that kind of rejection. I just think we should keep our options open.)
So anyway, the adress is http://justlikelions.wordpress.com/ .
I'm not sure as of yet whether I will continue to seperate off some personal thoughts onto this blog.
February 17, 2010
I am married now, and finally starting to settle from them craziness of the past two months or so. At this point we are finally settling into a cold apartment, during record breaking snow fall, while working horribly non-rhythmic schedules which keep us guessing constantly. I'm at Kroger most days, while my wife tries to manage Yagoot by day and night.
When we are together, we are trying to gain perspective on one another's thought processing, how we communicate, and building a family mindset and a spiritual unity as one flesh. Our free time is spent trying to adjust to this completely new life, reading alot of awesome books (aka- "Night" by Elie Weizel, "The Shack", "Mudhouse Sabbath", etc.), and hanging out with the church community (worship breakfasts and groups of grown men building massive snow fortifications and wishing they could build a fire inside). So we are living slightly hectic right now.
It would be really nice to find a more rhythmic occupation, preferably for both of us. But things are going very well, its awesome to be in this stage of pure growth. It is strange, I am very much of a big idea, long-term thinker (a Meyers-Briggs "N", if your into that sort of thing), so this stage is a bit strange, because I don't really have a goal in mind with life right now other than "get situated" mode.
We have created one rhythm, that of Wednesday "family day". There are only two in our family now, but we are excited to act in a mindset of our family and its missions. Wednesday night is also the day that we meet with brothers and sisters to fellowship and share Christ together, so we planned that to intentionally include church in our only weekly rhythm.
This huge post is the result of little time to debrief lately, and the lack of internet access.
P.S. I'm planning on soon starting a family blog, to document the progression of our family missions and activity.